Thursday, October 13, 2011

PRESS RELEASE: Torrington Mayor Ryan Bingham Endorses Linda McMahon for U.S. Senate


Editor's note: All information in this post was contributed. It is unedited here.

Torrington Mayor Bingham Endorses Linda McMahon for U.S. Senate

Torrington Mayor Ryan Bingham today endorsed Linda McMahon for U.S. Senate, saying her support of small business owners is critical to Connecticut's future.

"Communities like ours depend on small businesses to create a vibrant downtown," Bingham said. "Linda McMahon will be a voice for small business owners – she understands their needs and concerns and will be an advocate for them in Washington."

"Small businesses face a myriad of challenges right now," McMahon said. "They need support from their government so they can continue to create jobs. I want families and small businesses in communities like Torrington to know I will fight for them."

Ryan Bingham was elected mayor of Torrington in 2005 at age 22, the youngest mayor in Connecticut history. He grew up in Torrington and graduated from Marist College.

Bingham joins a growing list of leaders endorsing McMahon for U.S. Senate. They include former Ambassador and gubernatorial candidate Tom Foley, State Sens. Len Fasano, John Kissel, Joe Markley, Kevin Witkos, Len Suzio, Rob Kane, Jason Welch and Michael McLachlan; Reps. Livvy Floren, Anthony D'Amelio, Janice Giegler and Selim Noujaim; First Selectman Peter Tesei and Second Selectman David Theis of Greenwich; Stamford Mayor Mike Pavia; former State Chairmen of the Connecticut Republican Party Chris Healy, George Gallo, Bill Hamzy, Herb Shepardson, Chris DePino and Dick Foley; and National Committeewoman Pat Longo.

More than 750 people from all across Connecticut have also endorsed McMahon at




Paid for by Linda McMahon for Senate 2012

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