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Sens. Lieberman and McCain Receive the 2011 American Patriot Award Presented by the National Defense University Foundation
CIA Director Petraeus & Army Chief of Staff Gen. Odierno Made Personal Tributes to the Senators
Washington, D.C., November 3, 2011—Senators Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) received the prestigious 2011 American Patriot Award today presented by the National Defense University Foundation (NDUF). Nearly 500 guests gathered to celebrate both Senators' patriotic leadership and devotion at the 10th Annual American Patriot Award Gala, one of Washington, D.C.'s most prominent galas, held at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center.
Lieberman and McCain were recognized for their outstanding record of contributions to America's national security, armed forces and veterans throughout their impressive careers in government. U.S. Army Chief of Staff General Raymond Odierno and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director David Petraeus gave personal tributes to the honorees.
Award-winning journalist Leon Harris, ABC7/WJLA-TV anchorman, emceed the awards program. Notable attendees included General Martin Dempsey, USA, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.); the Honorable Ashton Carter, Deputy Secretary of Defense; Congressman Michael Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.); Vice Admiral William Gortney, Director of the Joint Staff; Congressman John Larsen (D-Conn.); Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas); Vice Admiral William McRaven, USN, Commander, Special Operations Command (SOCOM); Congresswoman Laura Richardson (D-Calif.); and, Vice Admiral Ann Rondeau, USN, President, the National Defense University..
In addition, as part of the Sponsor a Patriot Program, specially selected active duty service men and women attended and received special recognition. These young service members from each military service branch were chosen by their commanders for their character, dedication to duty, and service to our nation.
"As true patriots, both Senators Lieberman and McCain are most deserving of the National Defense University Foundation's American Patriot Award because of their inspirational leadership and selfless dedication in serving our nation's ideals, values and democratic principles," said Albert C. Zimmerman, Chairman of the Board of Directors, National Defense University Foundation.
Past recipients of the American Patriot Award include: former President George H.W. Bush, General Colin Powell, USA (Ret), Dr. Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates; General David Petraeus, USA, and the Extraordinary Men and Women of CENTCOM; Senator Bob Dole; Senator John W. Warner and Representative Ike Skelton; Senators Daniel Inouye and Ted Stevens; Astronaut and Senator John Glenn; former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger; and The Men and Women of our Nation's Defense Team.
The Gala showcased and benefited the National Defense University (NDU) and its crucial mission of preparing military and civilian leaders from the U.S. and allied countries to examine national and international security challenges through multidisciplinary educational and research programs, professional exchanges, and outreach. The main campus is located at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C.
The National Defense University Foundation is a non-profit organization that has provided private sector support for the NDU in mission-oriented areas for more than 29 years. Additionally, in collaboration with the NDU, the Foundation develops and manages outreach programs that help educate and engage the public for a better understanding of critical national security issues and the vital role NDU plays in addressing them. For more information, visit